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  • Writer's pictureSuzanne Severns

Turtles All the Way Down

Sixteen-year-old Aza and her best friend Daisy have a mystery to solve. Billionaire Russell Pickett has disappeared the night before he was to be arrested for Bribery, and there's now a $100,000 reward for information leading to his arrest. Aza and Daisy could really use that money for college, and since Aza knew Russell Pickett's son, Davis, from summer camp, they have an advantage over others who may be after the reward, but as Aza rekindles her relationship with Davis, things become complicated, especially since she constantly worries about other people's germs endangering her own personal "microbiome". John Green has created another touching realistic novel with two interesting main characters trying to navigate adolescence. Of course, there are no simple answers but there are plenty of great quotes! Check out Terry Gross' interview with John Green about this novel at

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