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  • Writer's pictureSuzanne Severns


Noah has been in love with his friend Sam for several years, wishing more than anything that he could tell her how he feels. Unfortunately, Sam is currently dating a jerk who plays on their high school baseball team, and Noah feels there's no way he can compete. When he comes across some love letters in a purse he buys for his mom in a vintage shop, he decides to borrow their material to compose anonymous letters to Sam. His best friend Walt, emboldened by swing music and the Woohoo Woman Podcast encourages Noah to go for it while also trying out, yet again, for the baseball team and flirting with an older woman who works at the vintage shop and shares his love of swing music. When his affection is returned, Walt feels like he's on top of the world, that is, until his brother comes home from Afghanistan with PTSD. Composed in free verse by award-winning author Kwame Alexander, Swing realistically portrays the bonds of friendship and the angst of unrequited love.

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