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  • Writer's pictureSuzanne Severns

She Rides Shotgun

First time novelist Jordan Harper has created a shocking debut featuring an eleven-year-old girl named Polly and her father, ex-con Nate McClusky. Because he's made an enemy of the white power gang Aryan Steel, his ex-wife and daughter, Polly, have targets on their backs. When he goes to warn his ex, he finds her and her new husband dead. Consequently, he picks up his daughter from school and goes on the run, but he doesn't intend to hide, not yet anyway. Instead, he decides to go after Aryan Steel and turn the tables on its leader, Crazy Craig Hollington, hoping he'll agree to remove the "green light" from Nate's daughter. What he doesn't plan on is Polly being just as wild, reckless, and stubborn as he is. Full of gritty details, the author weaves a suspenseful story that will be difficult to put down.

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